📦 Installation

This section describes how to install the PDS DOI Service.


Prior to installing this software, ensure your system meets the following requirements:

  • Python 3.9 or above. Python 2 will absolutely not work.

  • libxml2 version 2.9.2; later 2.9 versions are fine. Run xml2-config --version to find out.

Consult your operating system instructions or system administrator to install the required packages. For those without system administrator access, you can use a local Python 3 installation using a virtual environment installation.

Installation Instructions

This section documents the installation procedure.


The easiest way to install this software is to use Pip, the Python Package Installer. If you have Python on your system, you probably already have Pip; you can run pip3 --help to check. Then run:

pip3 install pds-doi-service


The above command will install latest approved release. To install a prior release, you can run:

pip3 install pds-doi-service==<version>

The released versions are listed on: https://pypi.org/project/pds-doi-service/#history

If you want to use the latest unstable version, refer to the development documentation

If you don’t want the package dependencies to interfere with your local system you can use a virtual environment for your deployment. To do so:

mkdir -p $HOME/.venv
python3 -m venv $HOME/.venv/pds-doi-service
pip3 install pds-doi-service

At this point, the PDS DOI Service commands are available in $HOME/.venv/pds-doi-service/bin.


“Activating” the virtual environment is deprecated, as per the Python philosophy of “explict > implicit”. Instead, invoke the commands directly in $HOME/.venv/pds-doi-service/bin


The PDS DOI Service utilizes an INI file for its configuration. While there is a default configuration file bundled with the service, it may be superseded by a user-provided configuration within the installation directory.

To determine the appropriate location for a user configuration file, run the following:

python -c "import sys;print(sys.prefix)"

Within the directory returned, create a file named pds_doi_service.ini.

In this file you can override any option set in the default configuration file pds_doi_service/core/util/conf.default.ini found within the package. An example of this file may be found here.

For example, if you want the service to create production DOIs, update the DataCite server url:

url = https://api.datacite.org/dois

In order for the service to do any communication with the DataCite server, You MUST set the appropriate username and password to be able to reserve or release a DOI:

user = <username>
password = <password>

Send a request to pds-operator@jpl.nasa.gov if proper credentials are needed.

The PDS DOI service uses a local database and file system space to store transactions. The default location for these files is the installation location (sys.prefix), however, it can be updated as follows in the configuration:

transaction_dir = <directory absolute path>
db_file = <database absolute path>/doi.db

You can also change the logging level by changing the configuration:

logging_level = DEBUG

Authorized values are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING and ERROR (case-insensitive)… (see https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.html#logging-levels)

Running the service via command line tool

Once installed, you can run pds-doi-cmd --help to get a usage message and ensure the service is properly installed. You can then consult the usage documentation for more details.

Running the service via Web API

You can start the web API service with command line pds-doi-api.

You can explore the API documentation and test it using its built-in Swagger UI. To access the test UI, navigate to http://localhost:8080/PDS_APIs/pds_doi_api/0.2/ui/ using a web-browser on the same machine that is running the API service.


In order to access the built-in Swagger UI, there must not be any value set for the OTHER.api_valid_referrers section of the INI config. To ensure the value is not set, add the following the user configuration file described in the Configuration section above:

api_valid_referrers =

Upgrading the Service

To check for and install an upgrade to the service, run the following command in your virtual environment:

pip install --upgrade pds-doi-service

Upgrades to the PDS DOI Service should typically not affect any existing transaction database, transaction history, or INI configuration settings. If an instance of the PDS DOI API is running, for example in a screen session, it is recommended that it be terminated before performing an upgrade.


An update to an existing virtualenv installation of the PDS DOI Service may fail if the underlying minimum required Python version has changed. If so, a new virtual environment should be created using the required version of Python, after which the latest version of the Service may be installed into it. Consult the installation instructions above on how to create a new virtual environment.


In rare circumstances, an upgrade may invalidate an existing transaction database if the update includes a change to the underlying schema. Any such changes will be clearly identified in the release notes for the version of the service. The pds-doi-init script may be used in these circumstances to rebuild a fresh transaction database and transaction history based on what is available on DataCite. For this reason, it is recommended that any outstanding draft or review DOI requests are finalized and released before performing an upgrade which invalidates the transaction database. Consult the usage documentation for more details on running pds-doi-init.