Developer Notes =============== If you're a developer or maintainer of this package, this document's for you. This tells you how to generate and maintain the PDS API client. Automatically generates a python client library from OpenApi specification of the `PDS API`_. .. warning:: The link to the PDS federated API may be offline and/or not found. Requisites ---------- • code generator • python 3.9 Procedure --------- The following procedure describes how to generate the client. Get Repository Updates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First time:: git clone Then:: git pull Generate the Library ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First make sure the swagger.yaml file is up to date. It contains the OpenAPI specification of the API for which we want to generate the client code. The reference OpenAPI specifications for PDS can be found on `PDS API`_. Then, install OpenAPI Generator 6.5.0 (e.g. on macos with brew, see, and run:: pip install pyyaml python src/pds/api_client/ /Users/loubrieu/PycharmProjects/pds-api/specs/PDS_APIs-search-1.1.1-swagger.yaml --version 1.3.0 Manual step, add lines in the file: from setuptools import find_namespace_packages packages=find_namespace_packages(where='src/', exclude=["test", "tests"]), package_dir={"": "src"}, Installation & Testing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For integration testing you need an Registry API local server deployed on http://localhost:8080 Use the docker compose deployment, see Do the following commands in a Python virtual environment:: tox Run demo ~~~~~~~~~ python src/pds/api_client/demo/ PyPI Publication ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Try:: pip install wheel python sdist bdist_wheel pip install twine twine upload --repository testpypi dist/* Documentation Generation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Again, using the Python virtual environment:: pip install sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme sphinx-apidoc --separate --implicit-namespace -f -o docs/source/api pds sphinx-build docs/source docs/build cp -r docs/build/ /tmp/ This will produce copious warnings which you should just ignore for now. Then publish on GitHub as follows:: git checkout gh-pages cp -R /tmp/html/* . and don't forget to commit and push. .. References: .. _`PDS API`: