Docker Container Based Deployment


All the PDS Registry components are containerized as docker images and published in

The container based deployment of the PDS Registry components is orchestrated by Docker Compose, a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

Therefore, the deployment procedures described here can be used to deploy server-side and/or client-side registry components, without having to install the individual components manually.


These deployment are not intended for production given that 1. docker compose works on a single host and 2. permanent storage is left to docker to manage.


To learn more about docker compose, please visit


It is required to install the following tools.


At the time of writing this, all registry components were successfully tested with the docker compose version v2.2.3. The registry components should work with later versions of docker compose too.

Download and Configure the PDS Registry Application

The latest release of the Registry can be downloaded and configured as follows.

  1. Download the sourcecode .zip file or .tar.gz file from the

2. Extract the tar (Linux, Mac) or zip (Windows) to a directory without spaces, such as /home/pds. On Linux you can use the following command:

% tar -xzvf registry-x.y.z.tar.gz


The path of the extracted directory, is referred to as the <REGISTRY_ROOT> in the following instructions.

  1. Open a terminal and change the working directory to <REGISTRY_ROOT>/docker directory.

  2. Open the <REGISTRY_ROOT>/docker/.env file using a text editor

  3. Edit the .env file and set the following environment variables.

    # Absolute path of the Harvest data directory in the host machine (E.g.: `./test-data/registry-harvest-data`).
    # If the Registry Harvest CLI is executed with the option to download test data, then this directory will be
    # cleaned-up and populated with test data.
    # Also, this `HARVEST_DATA_DIR` location should be accessible from the docker containers of the Registry Harvest Service
    # and Registry Crawler Service.


The HARVEST_DATA_DIR specified above should have the directories of the data to be harvested.

An example of a harvest-job-config.xml file (to set as HARVEST_JOB_CONFIG_FILE in the above configurations) can be obtained from the <REGISTRY_ROOT>/docker/default-config directory.

  1. Generate the self-signed certificates as follows.


Certificates are required for OpenSearch to enable https.

  1. Change the current working directory to <REGISTRY_ROOT>/docker/certs directory.

    cd certs
  2. Generate self-signed certificates by executing the following script.

  3. Change the current working directory to <REGISTRY_ROOT>/docker directory.

    cd ..

Deployment Profiles

Deployment profiles are defined to parameterize your deployment, either you only want to run the server side core components of the registry (OpenSearch and web API) or run an harvest standalone job, or run the scalable harvest services…

Using a profile name, you can start the required components of the Registry as follows.

docker compose --profile=<DOCKER_COMPOSE_PROFILE_NAME> up --detach


The next section explains the possible profile names that can be used for the <DOCKER_COMPOSE_PROFILE_NAME> in the docker compose command above.

The docker containers deployed using a docker compose profile can be easily uninstalled and cleaned-up using the following command:

docker compose --profile=<DOCKER_COMPOSE_PROFILE_NAME> down

The following table contains commonly used server-side profiles and descriptions.

Profile Name



(profiles to start before this)


Starts only the OpenSearch and Registry API



Starts the Scalable Harvest server-side components

The pds-core-registry profile must be up and running

Client-side Operations

To trigger data ingestion in the registry, you need to run client side commands (which use docker compose as well internally)

Command prototype



(profiles to start before this) <harvest job confg file>

Executes the Standalone Harvest client-side tool. This tool is recommended for small data sets of up to 10,000 PDS4 labels.

The pds-core-registry server-side profile must be up and running <harvest job confg file>

Executes the Scalable Harvest client-side tool. This tool is recommended for larger data sets of over 10,000 PDS4 labels.

The pds-loader-services server-side profile must be up and running

Common Deployment Scenarii

Core Registry with Standalone Harvest

As explained above, the Standalone Harvest simple batch tool, which is suitable to process small data sets of up to 10,000 PDS4 labels.

You can execute the following instructions to deploy the registry and load small amount of data.

Deploying the Sever-side Components of Standalone Harvest

  1. Open a new terminal and change the current working directory to the <REGISTRY_ROOT>/docker directory.

  2. Start opensearch and the PDS search API as follows.

    docker compose --profile=pds-core-registry  up
  3. Wait for the following log messages in the terminal.

    docker-registry-api-1        |   .   ____          _            __ _ _
    docker-registry-api-1        |  /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
    docker-registry-api-1        | ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
    docker-registry-api-1        |  \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
    docker-registry-api-1        |   '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
    docker-registry-api-1        |  =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/
    docker-registry-api-1        |  :: Spring Boot ::        (v2.3.1.RELEASE)
    docker-registry-api-1        |

Run Standalone Harvest to Load Some PDS4 Products

  1. Open a new terminal and change the current working directory to the <REGISTRY_ROOT>/docker/scripts directory.

  2. Define a harvest job configuration as specified in Harvest Job Configuration

  3. Run the harvest command.

    ./  <harvest job confg file>

This is using docker compose in the background so no need to install anything more.

  1. Wait for the following log messages in the terminal.

    docker-registry-loader-1 exited with code 0
  2. Visit the http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html#!/collections/getCollection of the Registry API.

  3. Click on the Try it out! button to see the Response Body.

Clean-up the Deployment

The docker containers deployed above can be easily uninstalled and cleaned-up using the following commands:

docker compose --profile=pds-core-registry down

Core Registry with Scalable Harvest

As explained above, the Scalable Harvest is suitable to process larger data sets of more than 10,000 PDS4 labels.

You can execute the following instructions to deploy the server-side components of Registry with Scalable Harvest and load some data.


Docker Compose running on a single host, the scalability of this tool is not at its full potential yet, we will propose in the future a production ready deployment procedure (e.g. using kubernetes) to actually scale the ingestion.

Deploying the Sever-side Components of Scalable Harvest

  1. Open a new terminal and change the current working directory to the <REGISTRY_ROOT>/docker directory.

  2. Start opensearch and the PDS search API as follows.

    docker compose --profile=pds-core-registry  up
  3. Wait for the following log messages in the terminal.

    docker-registry-api-1        |   .   ____          _            __ _ _
    docker-registry-api-1        |  /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
    docker-registry-api-1        | ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
    docker-registry-api-1        |  \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
    docker-registry-api-1        |   '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
    docker-registry-api-1        |  =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/
    docker-registry-api-1        |  :: Spring Boot ::        (v2.3.1.RELEASE)
    docker-registry-api-1        |
  4. Start the pds-loader-services components as follows to start Scalable Harvest components.

    docker compose --profile=pds-loader-services up

Run Scalable Harvest Service Client to Load Some PDS4 Products

  1. Open a new terminal and change the current working directory to the <REGISTRY_ROOT>/docker/scripts/ directory.

  2. Define a harvest job configuration as specified in Harvest Job Configuration

  3. Run the harvest command.

    ./  <harvest job confg file>

This is using docker compose in the background so no need to install anything more.

  1. Wait for the following log messages in the terminal.

    docker-registry-harvest-cli-1 exited with code 0
  2. Visit the http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html#!/collections/getCollection of the Registry API.

  3. Click on the Try it out! button to see the Response Body.

Clean-up the Deployment

The docker containers deployed above can be easily uninstalled and cleaned-up using the following commands:

docker compose --profile=pds-core-registry down

docker compose --profile=pds-loader-services down


In addition to the commonly used and production ready docker compose profiles explained above, there are several other docker compose profile that are used to setup the development environment and execute integration tests.

More information about all currently available docker compose profiles are available at