πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ UsageΒΆ


This package provides two primary executables, pds-deep-archive and pds-deep-registry-archive, that generate both an Archive Information Package (AIP) and a Submission Information Package (SIP). The SIP is what is delivered by the PDS to the NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive (NSSDCA). For more information about the products produced, see the following references:

You use pds-deep-archive for PDS data on your hard drive, network filesystem, etc.; you use pds-deep-registry-archive for PDS data in a PDS Registry.

This package also comes with the two sub-components of pds-deep-archive that can be ran individually:

  • aipgen that generates Archive Information Packages from a PDS4 bundle

  • sipgen that generates Submission Information from a PDS4 bundle

These work just with local files, not the PDS Registry.

Usage InformationΒΆ

Running pds-deep-archive --help or pds-deep-registry-archive --help to get summaries of the command-line invocations, required arguments, and any options that refine the behavior.

Example 1: Basic Usage on Local FilesΒΆ

For example, to create a SIP and AIP from the LADEE 1101 Bundle located at test/data/ladee_test/mission_bundle/LADEE_Bundle_1101.xml run the following (NOTE: assumes you followed the default Installation into a Virtual Environment); note that lines starting with the octothorp # are comments to help explain what follows and need not be typed in:

# Prep your environment by sourcing your Python virtual environment
$ source $HOME/.virtualenvs/pds-deep-archive/bin/activate


The source command and the location of your Python virtual environment may vary depending on the command-line interpreter (terminal) you’re using and the installation of Python. You may wish to consult a system administrator for clarification. In some cases, it may involve simply replacing source with a single period .; in others, it may be more involved, especially the location of your Python virtual environment.

# The (pds-deep-archive) prefix indicates your virtual environment is active
(pds-deep-archive) $


The changes the the prompt may not necessarily appear depending on the local machine environment, command interpreter, etc.

# Now let's run pds-deep-archive
# NOTE: This software must be run against data on your local filesystem
(pds-deep-archive) $ pds-deep-archive -s PDS_ATM  \
    -b https://atmos.nmsu.edu/PDS/data/PDS4/LADEE/  \


The trailing backslashes above are β€œcontinuation characters” to indicate to the command shell that the entire command line spans multiple physical lines. You may choose to enter the command on a single long physical line without the backslashes. Regardless, please consult your documentation regarding what the proper continuation character is for your shell; in the most common cases, it is a backslash.

From this command-line execution, we are inputting the following information:

  • -s PDS_ATM - uses -s flag to specify Atmospheres Node as the provider site for the manifest’s label

  • -b https://atmos.nmsu.edu/PDS/data/PDS4/LADEE/ - uses -b flag Base URL for Node data archive. This URL will be prepended to the bundle directory to form URLs to the products. For this case, this will allow us to form proper URLs in the output manifests based upon the valid online products, e.g. https://atmos.nmsu.edu/PDS/data/PDS4/LADEE/mission_bundle/LADEE_Bundle_1101.xml

  • test/data/ladee_test/mission_bundle/LADEE_Bundle_1101.xml - this is the final positional argument input to the software that specifies the bundle product file on the local filesystem.

Once you complete this execution, the program will print:

INFO πŸ‘Ÿ PDS Deep Archive, version VERSION-NUMBER
INFO πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ Starting AIP generation for test/data/ladee_test/mission_bundle/LADEE_Bundle_1101.xml
INFO πŸŽ‰ Success! AIP done, files generated:
INFO πŸ“„ Checksum manifest: ladee_mission_bundle_v1.0_checksum_manifest_v1.0_DATE.tab
INFO πŸ“„ Transfer manifest: ladee_mission_bundle_v1.0_transfer_manifest_v1.0_DATE.tab
INFO πŸ“„ XML label for them both: ladee_mission_bundle_v1.0_aip_v1.0_DATE.xml
INFO πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ Starting SIP generation for test/data/ladee_test/mission_bundle/LADEE_Bundle_1101.xml
INFO πŸŽ‰ Success! From /SOME/DIR/test/data/ladee_test/mission_bundle/LADEE_Bundle_1101.xml, generated these output files:
INFO πŸ“„ SIP Manifest: ladee_mission_bundle_v1.0_sip_v1.0_DATE.tab
INFO πŸ“„ XML label for the SIP: ladee_mission_bundle_v1.0_sip_v1.0_DATE.xml
INFO πŸ‘‹ That's it! Thanks for making an AIP and SIP with us today. Bye!

This creates 5 output files in the current directory as part of the AIP and SIP Generation (with DATE replaced by the current date):

  • ladee_mission_bundle_v1.0_checksum_manifest_v1.0_DATE.tab, the checksum manifest

  • ladee_mission_bundle_v1.0_transfer_manifest_v1.0_DATE.tab, the transfer manifest

  • ladee_mission_bundle_v1.0_aip_v1.0_DATE.xml, the label for these two files

  • ladee_mission_bundle_v1.0_sip_v1.0_DATE.tab, the created SIP manifest as a tab-separated values file.

  • ladee_mission_bundle_v1.0_sip_v1.0_DATE.xml, an PDS label for the SIP file.

Be sure to check out the SIP Manifest, ladee_mission_bundle_v1.0_sip_v1.0_DATE.tab, to ensure the URLs included are valid URLs.

If everything looks good to go, package them up into a PDS Deep Archive data package (e.g. ladee_mission_bundle_v1.0_pds_deep_archive.zip).

Create a new PDS4 NSSDCA Delivery Github Issue for the PDS Engineering Node to submit the package to NSSDCA

Example 2: Bundle Referencing Collections by LIDΒΆ

For running the software on an accumulating bundle, you have two options:

Option 1: (preferred) Run ``pds-deep-archive`` against the entire bundle and all versions of all collections present beneath the bundle root directory.

This is the default functionality of pds-deep-archive. See Example 1: Basic Usage on Local Files to execute using this option.

Option 2: Run ``pds-deep-archive`` against the bundle with only the current versions of the collections present beneath the bundle root directory.

Execute the software with the --include-latest-collection-only flag enabled, for example:

(pds-deep-archive) $ pds-deep-archive -s PDS_ATM  \
    -b https://atmos.nmsu.edu/PDS/data/PDS4/LADEE/  \


The same admonitions about the command prompt and continuation characters mentioned earlier applies to the above example.

Example 3: Generating Deep Archives of Remote Data in a PDS RegistryΒΆ

Assuming the software is installed properly and the virtual Python environment is still set up as above, then the following invocation will generate the AIP checksum and transfer manifests and the SIP manifest for the bundle urn:nasa:pds:insight_documents::2.0 using the PDS Registry API at https://pds.nasa.gov/api/search/1.0/ for the site PDS_ATM:

(pds-deep-archive) $ bin/pds-deep-registry-archive \
    --site PDS_ATM \


The same admonitions about the command prompt and continuation characters mentioned earlier applies to the above examples.

This writes 5 output files in the current directory as part of the AIP and SIP Generation, but without needing to read any local files; these files include:

  • insight_documents_v2.0_checksum_manifest_v1.0_DATE.tab, the checksum manifest

  • insight_documents_v2.0_transfer_manifest_v1.0_DATE.tab, the transfer manifest

  • insight_documents_v2.0_aip_v1.0_DATE.xml, the label for these two files

  • insight_documents_v2.0_sip_v1.0_DATE.tab, the created SIP manifest as a tab-separated values file.

  • insight_documents_v2.0_sip_v1.0_DATE.xml, an PDS label for the SIP file.

As with pds-deep-archive, you can also specify --include-latest-collection-only to select if you want just the latest version of LID-only collections in your deep archive versus the default behavior of all versions of them.

PDS Delivery ChecklistΒΆ

The following is a checklist and procedure Discipline Node personnel should follow when delivering a PDS Deep Archive data package to the PDS Engineering Node upon a new release of data.

For more formalized details on the NSSDCA Delivery Process, see the following process document.

  1. β–Ά START: New Bundle is ready for Delivery.

  2. Verify the Bundle has completed successful validation with PDS4 Validate Tool (no ERRORS).

  3. Execute PDS Deep Archive software per usage instructions and example above.

  4. Check the SIP Manifest (e.g. ladee_mission_bundle_v1.0_sip_v1.0_20200618.tab) file to verify URLs indicated are valid. For example:

    # Example of a bad URL
    # Example of GOOD URL (file exists online)
  5. Package up the five *.tab` and ``*.xml files into a .ZIP or .TAR.GZ PDS Deep Archive Delivery package. For example:

    tar -cvzf ladee_mission_bundle_v1.0_NSSDCA_20200702.tar.gz ladee_mission_bundle_v1.0_*.tab ladee_mission_bundle_v1.0_*.xml
  6. Create a new PDS4 NSSDCA Delivery Github Issue for the PDS Engineering Node to submit the package to NSSDCA.

  7. EN will then complete validation and submission to NSSDCA.

  1. You can then follow along with status in the Github Issue.

  2. The PDS Engineering Node Operations Team will notify you once delivery has been completed.

  1. πŸŽ‰ DONE