NPB Installation


In order to run the NAIF PDS4 Bundler (NPB), the following software must be present on the users’s computer:


Your computer must be based on a 64-bit Unix operating system: a Linux or OSX. Your computer must also be little-endian.

A number of Python packages are required as well:

  • SpiceyPy (version 4.0.2 or higher)

  • beautifulsoup4 (version 4.9.3 or higher)

  • SetupTools (version 50.3.0 or higher)

  • xmlschema

  • nose

  • coverage

  • xmlschema

  • requests

Please note that the dependency that might cause issues is SpiceyPy. SpiceyPy will check if you have the SPICE Toolkit in C: CSPICE, installed. If you don’t it will automatically install it for you.

The following section will provides instructions to install NPB.

User Quickstart

Install with:

pip install naif-pds4-bundler

To execute just to show the help message, run:

naif-pds4-bundler -h

Manual Installation

If you wish to install NPB from source first download or clone the project from the NPB GitHub repository. Then run:

python install

in the naif-pds4-bundler top level directory. To uninstall run:

pip uninstall naif-pds4-bundler

Known Installation Issues

Certain versions of Python might report an installation error triggered by the installation of the NumPy package that is required by SpiceyPy. The error should point to a missing or invalid Cython package. In order to fix this error please update Python SetupTools and Cython packages by running the following commands:

python -m pip install -U setuptools
python -m pip install cython

Then you can run the installation as usual:

python install

Development and Contribution

For information on how to contribute to NASA-PDS codebases please take a look at our Contributing guidelines.

Installation for developers

You can install NPB in editable mode and with extra developer dependencies into your virtual environment of choice by running:

pip install --editable '.[dev]'

in the naif-pds4-bundler top level directory. You can configure the pre-commit hooks:

pre-commit install && pre-commit install -t pre-push


To isolate and be able to reproduce the environment for this package, you should use a Python Virtual Environment. To do so, run:

python -m venv venv

Then exclusively use venv/bin/python, venv/bin/pip, etc. Alternatively use venv/bin/activate.

If you have tox installed and would like it to create your environment and install dependencies for you run:

tox --devenv <name you'd like for env> -e dev

Dependencies for development are specified as the dev extras_require in setup.cfg; they are installed into the virtual environment as follows:

pip install --editable '.[dev]'

All the source code is in naif_pds4_bundler under src.

Running Tests

Run tests under the tests/naif_pds4_bundler directory with:

python -m unittest discover -s tests/naif_pds4_bundler

NPB tests use data available in the package and involves file and directory creation and destruction. Depending on your environment the package might be in a location where your user can have permission issues. To solve this issue NPB uses a temporary directory for the tests. In order to do this, NPB searches a standard list of directories to find one which the calling user can create files in. The list is:

  1. The directory named by the TMPDIR environment variable.

  2. The directory named by the TEMP environment variable.

  3. The directory named by the TMP environment variable.

  4. The directories /tmp, /var/tmp, and /usr/tmp, in that order.

  5. As a last resort, the current working directory.

If need be, create of modify one of the environment variables described above to ensure your user has the appropriate permissions.

You can also run the tests using a DOCKER container. Assuming that you have DOCKER installed, you can use the DOCKER file from naif-pds4-bundler/tests/naif_pds4_bundler/docker/dockerfile

Further indications on how to use DOCKER are available in the provided Shell script naif-pds4-bundler/tests/naif_pds4_bundler/docker/

The implemented tests are documented in section tests package


NPB uses Sphinx to build its documentation. You can build the NPB docs with:

python build_sphinx

You can access the build files in the following directory relative to the project root:


or with:

make html

under docs/naif_pds4_bundler. You can access the build files in the following directory relative to the project root:
