Reporting Bugs ============== In order to report a bug either in this document or the NAIF PDS4 Bundler software package you can open a issue in the ``naif-pds4-bundler`` `GitHub repository Issues section `_. Click on the "New issue" button and follow the instructions provided in the issue template. Contact Information =================== If you have any questions on any aspect of the generation of a SPICE kernel archive please contact Boris Semenov ( at the **PDS Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF)**, MAIL STOP 301-121, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA, 91109-8099 WWW Site: References ========== .. [PDS4STD] Planetary Data System Standards Reference, Version 1.16.0 April 21, 2021, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California .. [PDS3GUIDE] PDS Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) `SPICE Archive Preparation Guide `_ .. [KERNELS] PDS Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) `Introduction to Kernels Tutorial `_ .. [MAKLABEL] PDS Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) `MAKLABEL Users's Guide `_ .. [SPICEYPY] Annex et al., (2020). SpiceyPy: a Pythonic Wrapper for the SPICE Toolkit. Journal of Open Source Software, 5(46), 2050, Utility Programs ---------------- The executables and User's Guides for the following utility programs:: ARCHTYPE BINGO BRIEF CKBRIEF CKSLICER CKSMRG COMMNT DAFCAT MAKLABEL ORBNUM SPACIT SPKDIFF SPY BFF FRMDIFF OPTIKS mentioned in this document are available from the "Utilities" page on the NAIF web site, `NAIF Utilities `_. Note that for some environments (e.g. Linux, Mac/OSX) these utilities can not be statically linked and require certain shared object libraries in order to run. Usually these libraries can be installed on your computer by installing the compiler used to compile the executables (e.g. gfortran/gcc). Tutorials --------- A collection of tutorials covering most aspects of using SPICE kernel files and allied Toolkit software is available from the "Tutorials" page on the NAIF web site, `NAIF Tutorials `_. SPICE Kernel Archives --------------------- SPICE archives are available on the NAIF server either directly, from the `FTP-like HTTP page `_, or from the `NAIF Data page `_. They may be useful as examples for new archive producers. PDS Standards ------------- The PDS standards Documents are available on the PDS documents web site, `PDS4 web site Data Standards `_ of these the following might be most useful: * Concepts Document * Data Provider's Handbook * Standard's Reference * Context Products PDS Validate Tool ----------------- The PDS Validate tool is available at the `validate tool website `_.