Step 5: Packaging and Delivering the Archive to the NAIF Node ============================================================= If the project archive plan calls for delivery of the SPICE archive to the NAIF Node of the PDS, the archive producer can do it in two ways: 1. If the volume of the data to be delivered is relatively small (under 2 GB), either the whole archive or only the files that were updated or added in the last release can be packaged into a ``.tar`` file, which is then made available to NAIF staff. The tar file should contain the whole archive directory tree starting at the ``_spice`` level (where ```` is the mission acronym.) For example, to make a ``.tar`` file containing the whole MAVEN archive, the following commands can be used (to first change to the final archive area and then to "tar" the whole archive directory tree):: $ cd /ftp/pub/naif/pds/pds4/maven $ tar -cvf maven_release_26.tar maven_spice To make a ``.tar`` file containing only additions and changes to the MAVEN archive from the latest release, the following commands can be used (to first change to the final archive area and then to ``tar`` all files included in the file list file):: $ cd /ftp/pub/naif/pds/pds4/maven $ tar cBf maven_release_26.tar -T /home/naif/maven/pds/working/maven_release_26.file_list 2. If the volume of the data to be delivered is large (greater than 2 GB), NAIF staff should be given access to the final archive area (or a copy of it), which NAIF staff will mirror using either ``wget`` or ``scp`` tools (depending on the kind of access that was provided). The kind of access to be given to NAIF staff is up to the data provider. Any of the following ways is acceptable: * putting ``.tar`` file(s) or a copy of the final archive tree on an anonymous public FTP server or a public Web server * putting ``.tar`` file(s) or a copy of the final archive tree on a password-protected FTP server or a Web server. In this case NAIF staff should be provided with an account and password. * putting ``.tar`` file(s) or a copy of the final archive tree on a UNIX workstation, providing NAIF staff with an account on this workstation, and setting file permissions allowing read access to the data. Providing the NPB Configuration File, Release Plan, Kernel List, and any other NPB execution by-products to NAIF is recommended. You can do so by providing them along with the ``.tar`` file or as an attachment to the email to communicate the delivery to NAIF.