pds.api_client.apis.tags package


pds.api_client.apis.tags.classes_api module

Registry API

Registry API enabling advanced search on PDS data and metadata. The API provides end-points to search for bundles, collections and any PDS products with advanced search queries. It also enables to browse the archive hierarchically downward (e.g. collection/s products) or upward (e.g. bundles containing a product). The detailed syntax for querying the end-point is given in the reference documentation. # noqa: E501

The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.1 Contact: pds-operator@jpl.nasa.gov Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech

class pds.api_client.apis.tags.classes_api.ClassesApi(api_client: Optional[ApiClient] = None)[source]

Bases: ClassList, Classes

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

pds.api_client.apis.tags.deprecated_api module

Registry API

Registry API enabling advanced search on PDS data and metadata. The API provides end-points to search for bundles, collections and any PDS products with advanced search queries. It also enables to browse the archive hierarchically downward (e.g. collection/s products) or upward (e.g. bundles containing a product). The detailed syntax for querying the end-point is given in the reference documentation. # noqa: E501

The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.1 Contact: pds-operator@jpl.nasa.gov Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech

class pds.api_client.apis.tags.deprecated_api.DeprecatedApi(api_client: Optional[ApiClient] = None)[source]

Bases: BundleList, BundlesLidvid, BundlesLidvidAll, BundlesLidvidCollections, BundlesLidvidCollectionsAll, BundlesLidvidCollectionsLatest, BundlesLidvidLatest, BundlesLidvidProducts, CollectionList, CollectionsLidvid, CollectionsLidvidAll, CollectionsLidvidBundles, CollectionsLidvidLatest, CollectionsLidvidProducts, CollectionsLidvidProductsAll, CollectionsLidvidProductsLatest, ProductsLidividBundlesAll, ProductsLidvidBundles, ProductsLidvidBundlesLatest, ProductsLidvidCollections, ProductsLidvidCollectionsAll, ProductsLidvidCollectionsLatest

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

pds.api_client.apis.tags.products_api module

Registry API

Registry API enabling advanced search on PDS data and metadata. The API provides end-points to search for bundles, collections and any PDS products with advanced search queries. It also enables to browse the archive hierarchically downward (e.g. collection/s products) or upward (e.g. bundles containing a product). The detailed syntax for querying the end-point is given in the reference documentation. # noqa: E501

The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.1 Contact: pds-operator@jpl.nasa.gov Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech

class pds.api_client.apis.tags.products_api.ProductsApi(api_client: Optional[ApiClient] = None)[source]

Bases: ProductList, SelectByLidvid, SelectByLidvidAll, SelectByLidvidLatest

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

pds.api_client.apis.tags.references_api module

Registry API

Registry API enabling advanced search on PDS data and metadata. The API provides end-points to search for bundles, collections and any PDS products with advanced search queries. It also enables to browse the archive hierarchically downward (e.g. collection/s products) or upward (e.g. bundles containing a product). The detailed syntax for querying the end-point is given in the reference documentation. # noqa: E501

The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.1 Contact: pds-operator@jpl.nasa.gov Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech

class pds.api_client.apis.tags.references_api.ReferencesApi(api_client: Optional[ApiClient] = None)[source]

Bases: ClassMemberOf, ClassMemberOfOf, ClassMemberOfOfVers, ClassMemberOfVers, ClassMembers, ClassMembersMembers, ClassMembersMembersVers, ClassMembersVers, ProductMemberOf, ProductMemberOfOf, ProductMemberOfOfVers, ProductMemberOfVers, ProductMembers, ProductMembersMembers, ProductMembersMembersVers, ProductMembersVers

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

Module contents

class pds.api_client.apis.tags.TagValues(value)[source]

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

CLASSES = 'classes'
DEPRECATED = 'deprecated'
PRODUCTS = 'products'
REFERENCES = 'references'