Quickstart for the PDS API python client


python 3 (tested with 3.7).


pip install pds.api-client

Create an api connection

from __future__ import print_function
from pds.api_client.rest import ApiException
from pds.api_client import Configuration
from pds.api_client import ApiClient

configuration = Configuration()
configuration.host = 'http://pds-gamma.jpl.nasa.gov/api/' # use demo api server
api_client = ApiClient(configuration)

Request one end point

There are different API end points:

For collections for example:

from pds.api_client import CollectionsApi
from pprint import pprint

collections = CollectionsApi(api_client)

    api_response = collections.get_collection(q="", start=0, limit=20)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling CollectionsApi->get_collection: %s\n" % e)

Reference documentation

See client_api