Query Syntax


Since our servers are not fully populated with all PDS data sets, the examples presented in this user guide may return empty results or 404 (Not Found) errors. If there is a data set you would like added, please contact the PDS Help Desk for assistance.


curl command line tool is used to request the API in this documentation. curl is available in many operating systems by default. If not, you can get curl from https://curl.se/ or using a package management tool specific to your operating system (brew, apt, …).


The URLs for performing GET requests for searching PDS data are as follows.

The base URL of the PDS Search API, for search across all the PDS nodes, is:


The main use cases, to search, crawl products or resolve a product identifier are given in the following sections.

Search Products

Request Examples

Get the list of properties which describe the products, which criteria you can search against:

 curl -L --get 'https://pds.nasa.gov/api/search/1/properties'

Search for products which processing level is “Raw”, using the property “pds:Primary_Result_Summary.pds:processing_level” found before, get 10 results:

curl -L --get 'https://pds.nasa.gov/api/search/1/products' \
    --data-urlencode 'limit=10' \
    --data-urlencode 'q=(pds:Primary_Result_Summary.pds:processing_level eq "Raw")'

Request Template

The requests template is a follow:

GET /api/search/1/classes/{product_class}[?[{query-parameter}={query-parameter-value}]*] HTTP/1.1
Host: pds.nasa.gov

The list of product_class proposed by the API can also be found from URL:


The concept of product class is derived from the PDS4 standard.

Query Detailed Syntax

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Query Parameter




(Optional, string) Query string you wish to parse and use for search. See query string syntax

q=target_name eq “Mars”


(Optional, string) String used for text search on title and description of the PDS4 labels



(Optional, array of strings) Array of fields you wish to return.



(Optional, array of strings) Array of fields you wish to sort by, mandatory when search-after is used



(Optional, string or number) For pagination, the page will start from the value of the field selected in sort.



(Optional, integer, default=100) The number of records/results to return. By specifying a value of 0 only the summary of the results is returned, not the individual results.


q and fields use PDS4 Fields Dot Notation

Query String Syntax

An example of query syntax (q query parameter) is:

For example:

((pds:Primary_Result_Summary.pds:processing_level eq "Raw") and not (ops:Data_File_Info.ops:file_size ge 8942))

The query syntax follows the rules:

{query} = {comparison}|{group}

{comparison} = {field} {comparison operator} {literal value}

{group} = [not] ({comparison} [[and|or] {group}])
  • {field} follows the Fields Dot Notation . The available fields can be found in responses summary object, properties attribute.

  • {comparison operator} are eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le

  • {literal value} is either a string between " (double quotes) or a numerical value (float or integer).

  • Wildcard searching is available with the like operator. The wildcarding syntax of the {literal value} follows the [OpenSearch Simple Query String](https://opensearch.org/docs/latest/opensearch/query-dsl/full-text/#simple-query-string) convention.

  • {group} has mandatory parentheses (round brackets) which make any complex query loaded with parentheses, as seen in the example above, don’t forget them !


the like operator does not work because of a known bug




Comparison Operators



target_name eq “Mars”


Similar to

target_name like “mars”


Not equal

target_name ne “Saturn”


Greater than

pds:Time_Coordinates.pds:start_date_time gt “2001-05-10T00:00:00Z”


Greater than or equal

pds:Time_Coordinates.pds:start_date_time ge “2001-05-10T00:00:00Z”


Less than

pds:Time_Coordinates.pds:start_date_time lt “2020-06-01T00:00:00Z”


Less than or equal

pds:Time_Coordinates.pds:start_date_time le “2020-06-01T00:00:00Z”

Logical Operators


Logical and

target_name eq “Mars” and instrument_name eq “hirise”


Logical or

target_name eq “Mars” or target_name eq “Phobos”


Logical negation

not target_name eq “Mars”

Grouping Operators

( )

Precedence grouping

((target_name eq “Mars” or target_name eq “Phobos”) and ( instrument_name eq “hirise” ))

Fields Dot Notation

General Case

The syntax of the field names use a combination of the PDS4 Information Model and dot notation representations of an XML XPaths.

Query parameters will use a combination of an attribute with its parent class in all lowercase:


For example:


The classes and attributes are defined in the PDS4 Data Dictionnaries.

The PDS4 data dictionaries are augmented with a specific ops Namespace which contains attributes managed by the PDS Registry in addition to the PDS4 labels attributes.


In the event that the {parent_class}.{attribute} combination does sufficiently guarantee uniqueness or sufficiency of search when a class is inherited by multiple classes, additional ancestor classes should be prepended to the query parameter until sufficient uniqueness is attained:


If the query parameter grows beyond 3 ancestor classes, a :ref:custom query parameter <Custom Query Parameters> should be considered.

In the event that multiple attributes are to be grouped together for search, the parent class should be used as the query parameter:


Custom Query Parameters


There are several cases where custom query parameters are preferred over the Dot Notation, but should only be avoided wherever possible in order to minimize confusion amongst developers attempting to use the API. These are also subject to approval by Search Integration Working Group representative for each node. That member is responsible for providing those updates to Engineering Node.

Some reasons for custom query parameters:

- Combination of multiple attribute values into one

- Special cases where XQuery needs to be used for finding specific values (e.g. instrument/spacecraft described in Observing_System_Component class)

- Custom search fields on non-PDS4 metadata (e.g. image tags, operations note, etc.)

- Support common search or PDS4 terminology (e.g. target_name, lidvid)

Resolve A Product Identifier

Default Resolution

If you know the lid (for example urn:nasa:pds:insight_rad) or lidvid (for example urn:nasa:pds:insight_rad::2.1) identifier of a product, you can retrieve its description, whereever it is managed in the PDS system, with the following request:


For example

curl --get 'https://pds.nasa.gov/api/search/1/products/urn:nasa:pds:insight_rad::2.1' \
    --header 'Accept: application/json'

Search for Latest vs. All Versions

Latest Version

By default, when the identifier is a lid (without a version, for example urn:nasa:pds:insight_rad) only the latest description of the product is returned.

The request:


Crawl a Data Set Hierarchy

For a given product with identifier lidvid1, you can browse its parent products (member-of) or children (members).

Get the Collections of a Bundle

Get its children (collections):


For example, run:

curl --get 'https://pds.nasa.gov/api/search/1/products/urn:nasa:pds:insight_rad::2.1/members' \
    --header 'Accept: application/json'

The same request can be used to get the observational products or documents of a collection from the collection’s lidvid.

Get the Observational Products of a Bundle


For example, run:

curl -L --get 'https://pds.nasa.gov/api/search/1/products/urn:nasa:pds:insight_rad::2.1/members/members' \
    --header 'Accept: application/json'

Get the Collection or Bundles of an Observational Product

Get its parent (collection):


The same request can be used to get the bundles of a collection from the collection’s lidvid.

Get its grandparent (bundle):


For example, run:

curl -L --get 'https://pds.nasa.gov/api/search/1/products/urn:nasa:pds:insight_rad:data_raw:hp3_rad_raw_00004_20181130_085325/member-of/member-of' \
    --header 'Accept: application/json'

Use pagination to get all products matching a request

When you’re searching for a large number of products, you’ll need to use pagination to ensure you receive all the results. Here’s how you can do it.


The pagination parameters (sort, limit, search-after) described in this section are applicable to all the end-points.

To start, let’s say you want to get all the members of a collection named “OSIRIS-REX Spectrometer calibrated observations”, which identifier is urn:nasa:pds:orex.ovirs:data_calibrated::11.0. You can use the following request in a web browser:


This request will only give you the first 100 products out of the total available in the collection (in this example, 334,940 products).

To get all the results, you need to use the pagination.

1. Make the Initial Request:

Sort the results by the harvest time, which is the time when products were loaded into the registry. You can do this using the curl command:

curl -L --get 'https://pds.nasa.gov/api/search/1/products/urn:nasa:pds:orex.ovirs:data_calibrated::11.0/members'
   --header 'Accept: application/json'
   --data-urlencode 'sort=ops:Harvest_Info.ops:harvest_date_time'

You are getting the first 100 products, members of the collection, sorted by harvest time (time when they were loaded in the registry).

2. Get the Next Page

To retrieve the next set of results, you need to get the latest harvest date and time from the previous response. This information is included in the description of the last product returned.

"ops:Harvest_Info.ops:harvest_date_time": [

Use this latest harvest date and time as the reference for the next request:

curl -L --get 'https://pds.nasa.gov/api/search/1/products/urn:nasa:pds:orex.ovirs:data_calibrated::11.0/members'
   --header 'Accept: application/json'
   --data-urlencode 'sort=ops:Harvest_Info.ops:harvest_date_time'
   --data-urlencode 'search-after=2023-05-26T05:53:24.611495Z'

3. Iterate Until Completion:

Keep making requests and updating the search-after parameter with the latest harvest date and time until the number of products returned is less than the limit (100 in this case).

4. Changing Pagination Parameters:

You can adjust the default limit of 100 products per page using the limit parameter. For example:

curl -L --get 'https://pds.nasa.gov/api/search/1/products/urn:nasa:pds:orex.ovirs:data_calibrated::11.0/members'
   --header 'Accept: application/json'
   --data-urlencode 'limit=500'
   --data-urlencode 'sort=ops:Harvest_Info.ops:harvest_date_time'
   --data-urlencode 'search-after=2023-05-26T05:53:24.611495Z'