Class LidVid

  • public class LidVid
    extends Object
    Utility class to handle file(s) pruning of a given list related to logical identifier plus version (lidvid).
    • Constructor Detail

      • LidVid

        public LidVid()
    • Method Detail

      • getLatestVersion

        public static HashMap<String,​String> getLatestVersion​(HashMap<String,​ArrayList<String>> lidvidsMap)
        Find the latest version of lidvid(s).
        lidvidsMap - a HashMap of logical identifier and a list of all versions.
        a HashMap containing a map of each logical identifier and its latest version.
      • reduceToLatestTargetOnly

        public static List<Target> reduceToLatestTargetOnly​(List<Target> children)
        Reduce a list of target to only the one with the latest version.
        children - a list of Target(s). * @return a list of target containing the latest version.