Class MimeTable

  • public class MimeTable
    extends Object
    A class to encapsulate a home grown table to retrieve a mime type given a file name.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MimeTable

        public MimeTable()
    • Method Detail

      • getContentType

        public String getContentType​(String documentRef)
        Given a file name, returns the mime type.
        documentRef - The file name of the document
        mimeType The mime type
      • isMimeTypeCorrect

        public boolean isMimeTypeCorrect​(String documentRef,
                                         String documentStandardId)
        Given a document file name, check for the mime type loaded into the hashmap.
        documentRef - The file name of the document
        documentStandardId - The document standard id as defined by the PDS Information Model document.
        true if the mime type matches with was defined, false otherwise.
      • getPossibleFileExtensions

        public ArrayList<String> getPossibleFileExtensions​(String documentStandardId)
        Given a document standard id, returns a list of possible file extensions associated with that id.
        documentStandardId - The document standard id as defined by the PDS Information Model document.
        extensionList List of file extensions allowed for that document standard id.