Class ReferentialIntegrityUtil

  • public class ReferentialIntegrityUtil
    extends Object
    Util class to provide additional integrity checks on a Product_Bundle or Product_Collection label.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReferentialIntegrityUtil

        public ReferentialIntegrityUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public static void initialize​(String referenceType,
                                      URL target,
                                      ProblemListener problemListener,
                                      RuleContext ruleContext)
        Initialize this class to ready for doing referential checks.
        referenceType - the referenceType of the target of the check: 'bundle' or 'collection'
        target - the URL of the target of the check
        problemListener - the ProblemListener of the target of the check
        ruleContext - the RuleContext of the target of the check
      • reset

        public static void reset()
        Reset this class to its initial state in case running from regression tests.
      • setContextReferenceCheckFlag

        public static void setContextReferenceCheckFlag​(boolean contextReferenceCheck)
        Set the contextReferenceCheck
      • getContextReferenceCheckFlag

        public static boolean getContextReferenceCheckFlag()
        Get the contextReferenceCheck.
        The valule of contextReferenceCheck
      • getTarget

        public static URL getTarget()
        Get the URL of the target of the check.
        the URL of the target of the check
      • setTarget

        public static void setTarget​(URL target)
        Set the URL of the target of the check.
      • getListener

        public static ProblemListener getListener()
        Get the ProblemListener of the target of the check.
        the ProblemListener of the target of the check
      • setListener

        public static void setListener​(ProblemListener problemListener)
        Set the ProblemListener of the target of the check.
        problemListener - The ProblemListener of the target of the check
      • getContext

        public static RuleContext getContext()
        Get the RuleContext of the target of the check.
        the RuleContext of the target of the check
      • setContext

        public static void setContext​(RuleContext ruleContext)
        Get the RuleContext of the target of the check.
      • getReferenceType

        public static String getReferenceType()
        Get the referenceType of the target of the check.
        the referenceType of the target of the check
      • setReferenceType

        public static void setReferenceType​(String referenceType)
        Set the referenceType of the target of the check.
        referenceType - the referenceType of the target of the check: 'bundle' or 'collection'
      • reportLidOrLidvidReferenceToNonExistLogicalReferences

        public static void reportLidOrLidvidReferenceToNonExistLogicalReferences()
        Report a WARNING if any LID or LIDVID references does not resolve to at least one element in the list of logical identifiers.
        validationRule - The rule of the validation, e.g. pds4.label, pds4.bundle. This value can be null since a rule is not required within validate module.
      • additionalReferentialIntegrityChecks

        public static void additionalReferentialIntegrityChecks​(URL crawlTarget)
      • additionalReferentialIntegrityChecks

        public static void additionalReferentialIntegrityChecks​(URL crawlTarget,
                                                                URL bundleURL)
        Perform additional referential integrity check beside the normal check. For all references in all labels, check if they refer to a logical identifier that is valid and is in this bundle/collection.
        crawlTarget - The URL of the target to validate for.
      • reportError

        protected static void reportError​(ProblemDefinition defn,
                                          URL targetUrl,
                                          int lineNumber,
                                          int columnNumber)
        Reports an error to the validation listener.
        defn - the problem definition
        targetFile - the validation target file containing the problem
        lineNumber - the line number, or -1 if no line number applies
        columnNumber - the column number, or -1 if no column number applies
      • reportError

        protected static void reportError​(ProblemDefinition defn,
                                          URL target,
                                          int lineNumber,
                                          int columnNumber,
                                          String message)
        Reports an error to the validation listener with a custom message.
        defn - the problem definition
        target - the validation target containing the problem
        lineNumber - the line number, or -1 if no line number applies
        columnNumber - the column number, or -1 if no column number applies
        message - the error message to report