Class TableCharacterUtil

  • public class TableCharacterUtil
    extends Object
    Util class to allow reading of a record and check for values between fields.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TableCharacterUtil

        public TableCharacterUtil​(URL target,
                                  ProblemListener listener)
        Creates a new instance.
    • Method Detail

      • getTarget

        public URL getTarget()
      • parseFieldsInfo

        public void parseFieldsInfo()
        Parse the fields info for field_location, field_length and such and store them in lists.
        None -
      • validateInBetweenFields

        public void validateInBetweenFields​(String record,
                                            long lineNumber)
        Validate in between fields for non-blanks values. This test is optional and only call if the user requested it.
        record - The record being validated (as text)
        lineNumber - Where in the file is this record.