Interface TaskManager

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface TaskManager
    Defines the operations of a service that can run tasks in the background. The task manager will generate events when tasks are run, paused, canceled, or complete.
    • Method Detail

      • submit

        void submit​(Task task)
        Submits a task to run in the background.
        task - the task to run
      • remove

        void remove​(Task task)
        Removes a task from the task manager. The task manager will attempt to cancel the task if it is running. Once a task is removed, further operations on the task using this task manager may result in exceptions.
        task - the task to remove
      • getStatus

        Task.Status getStatus​(Task task)
        Gets the task status.
        task - the task
        the task status
      • cancel

        void cancel​(Task task)
        Requests to cancel the task.
        task - the task to cancel