Class Validator

  • public abstract class Validator
    extends Object
    Abstract class to validate a PDS4 product label.
    • Field Detail

      • report

        protected Report report
        An object representation of a report to capture the results of validation.
      • schemas

        protected List<String> schemas
        A list of user specified schemas to validate against.
      • catalogs

        protected List<String> catalogs
        A list of user specified catalogs to use during validation.
      • labelValidator

        protected LabelValidator labelValidator
        LabelValidator object.
      • force

        protected boolean force
        Flag to force validation against a label's schema and schematron.
      • schemaValidator

        protected SchemaValidator schemaValidator
        Schema validator.
      • schematronTransformer

        protected SchematronTransformer schematronTransformer
        A SchematronTransformer object.
    • Method Detail

      • setSchemas

        public void setSchemas​(List<URL> schemaFiles)
                        throws SAXException
        Sets the schemas to use during validation. By default, the validation comes pre-loaded with schemas to use. This method would only be used in cases where the user wishes to use their own set of schemas for validation.
        schemaFiles - A list of schema files.
      • setSchematrons

        public void setSchematrons​(List<String> schematrons)
        Sets the schematrons to use during validation.
        schematrons - A list of schematrons.
      • setCatalogs

        public void setCatalogs​(List<String> catalogs)
        Sets the catalogs to use during validation.
        catalogs - A list of catalog files.
      • setForce

        public void setForce​(boolean value)