RabbitMQ Installation and Configuration

This document describes installation and configuration of RabbitMQ Message Broker.

Docker Quick Start

Create and Start Container

To pull RabbitMQ docker image from DockerHub run the following command:

docker pull rabbitmq:3.9-management

Create RabbitMQ docker container:

docker create --name rabbit --hostname rabbit -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3.9-management

Start RabbitMQ container:

docker start rabbit

Check that RabbitMQ is running:

curl -u guest:guest http://localhost:15672/api/cluster-name

You should get following response:


Create Harvest User

To run commands in RabbitMQ container, execute an interactive bash shell in the container:

docker exec -it rabbit bash

Now we can create "harvest" user. In this example we will make "harvest" user an administrator.

rabbitmqctl add_user harvest harvest1234
rabbitmqctl set_user_tags harvest administrator
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / harvest ".*" ".*" ".*"

Optionally change password for "guest" user:

rabbitmqctl change_password guest guest1234

Or completely delete "guest" user:

rabbitmqctl delete_user guest

Create Queues

rabbitmqadmin declare queue -u harvest -p harvest1234 --vhost=/ name=harvest.jobs durable=true
rabbitmqadmin declare queue -u harvest -p harvest1234 --vhost=/ name=harvest.dirs durable=true
rabbitmqadmin declare queue -u harvest -p harvest1234 --vhost=/ name=harvest.products durable=true
rabbitmqadmin declare queue -u harvest -p harvest1234 --vhost=/ name=harvest.collections durable=true

Linux, Windows, MacOS

Installation guides for Linux, Windows, and MacOS are available on RabbitMQ web site. After installing RabbitMQ, create "harvest" user (optional) and harvest queues (required) as described in previous section.

External References