Harvest Server Operation


Harvest server has embedded web server. By default it listens on port 8005. To view basic stats, such as Harvest version, used memory, number of open files, and message broker status, run the following curl command (change host name if needed).

curl http://localhost:8005
  "application": "Harvest",
  "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
  "buildTime": "2021-12-29T20:06:02Z",
  "mqType": "RabbitMQ",
  "mqConnection": "localhost:5672",
  "mqStatus": "UP",
  "esUrl": "http://localhost:9200",
  "esIndex": "registry",
  "usedMemory": "30 MB",
  "openFiles": "20"

NOTE: Number of open files is only available on Unix. The value is reported by JVM and includes some open system libraries and JARs.