Update Archive Status

When a product is ingested into PDS Registry, its archive status is set to “staged”.

"ops:Tracking_Meta/ops:archive_status": "staged"

You can change that value to any of the following:

  • archived

  • certified

  • restricted

  • staged

Status “archived” and “certified” make the products visible to the public, currently through the PDS Web API.

You can use either Registry Manager or Harvest Client (Scalable Harvest deployments only) for this task.

Registry Manager


  • Some data is ingested into the Registry.

  • Registry Manager command-line tool is installed.

Set status

To set product archive status, execute Registry Manager’s “set-archive-status” command.

The following parameters are required:

  • -status <status> - New status. Pass one of the following values: “archived”, “certified”, “restricted”, “staged”.

  • -lidvid <id> - LIDVID of a product to update. If the product is a collection product, all primary references from the collection inventory will be also updated. If the product is a bundle product, all bundle’s collections will be also updated.

  • -es <url> - link to the connection configuration file described in Connection Setup

  • -auth <file> - OpenSearch authentication configuration file. See Connection Setup.


On MacOS/Linux:

registry-manager set-archive-status \
    -es file://path/to/registry_connection.xml \
    -auth /my/path/auth.cfg \
    -status archived \
    -lidvid "urn:nasa:pds:kaguya_grs_spectra:document::1.0"

On Windows:

.\registry-manager.bat set-archive-status
    -auth 'C:\Users\loubrieu\Documents\es-auth.txt'
    -es 'file:///C:\Users\loubrieu\Documents\mcp_dev.xml'
    -lidvid 'urn:nasa:pds:insight_rad:data_derived::7.0'
    -status archived

The connection and auth files are described in Connection Setup

Registry API

Once data has been ingested and archive status is set to archived or registered, it is accessible using the Registry API which is documented here.

The base URL of the API https://pds.nasa.gov/api/search/1 also provides an online documentation.